Bingol > floating island

floating island         

 A crater lake surrounded by mountains and high hills is a natural wonder located in the Solhan district and Hazarsah village of Bingol city. The floating island has an extraordinary natural appearance .

Two islands in the middle of the lake has the ability to move freely on the lake. Islands within the lake are independent  and when you get on the islands you can feel that islands are moving slowly from side to side.

Lake is also very important in view of fish growing and producing. The water of lake is so fresh and does not contain any salt or minerals.

The  current space of crater lake is roughly 300 m2 is. It is  thought that the lake is  50 meters depth.  There is a continuous flow  from the lake that have been identified . Water entering from the arches and from the bottom of the lake feeds the lake therefore the water level of the lake is constant and never changes in summer or winters.

Floating island is a wonderfull place for Trekking, camping fans and nature photographers.

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