Bilecik > Orhan Gazi Mosque

Orhan Gazi Mosque;


The mosque was built by Yıldırım Bayezid and situated in Bilecik city 50 mt far from the Edebali tomb.


Yildirim Bayezid was built  the  mosgue on behalf of his  grandfather “Orhan gazi”. The dome is covered by lead that’s why mosque also very popularly known as “ Leaded Mosque”.


The capacity of the mosque is 365 people and it was restored , repaired in 1973.


365 community contacts repaired and restored in 1973 with a capacity Orhan gazi Mosque.


Unlike the classic mosques ;  The main minaret of the mosque is located 30mt away from the mosque and was built over a rock.  Mosque is the first example of the religious Ottoman architecture.


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