Camili (Macahel)
Camili Basin is a geographical region consisting of six villages; Camili, Regular,
Efeler, Rocks, Maral, Ugur. Former name of the region was Macahel (or Machael)
however it is is still broadly used together with Camili.
The damage in the region is kept very limited due to the location
of the region . Flowers do not die because of air pollution , there is no detergents in the rivers to kill off fishes, wildlife hunters not able
to extinct the wild animals in the region. Agricultural lands are not effected by chemicals.
Camili is almost an untouched area and like a diamond very hard to find. Many endemic plant species and pure Caucasus
region bees can be seen in the region.
The government and a charity trying to protect environmet is
working to increase the number of bees and produce a very special honey when
they are giving jobs to few locals in the region.
Special interest groups such as botanic experts, specialists, documenters can join a tour which lasts in a week. The location of the area is just in a very
critic area between the Turkey and Georgia border that`s why A speciall permition
needed for the tours and gendarmirie team consist of two people accompanies the
group during the trip.
Accommodations made in the
village houses or tents and foods supplied by villagers during the
daytime and evenings cooked in the camping area.
Local facilities by local people and village kadınlarınca
Meals are being made and the tents become lunch box lunches, dinner is usually
prepared by cooking in the camp.
Goods are transported on
mules and People walk in the highlands to
get the desired area.