Eskisehir > Kursunlu camii ( Kursunlu mosque )

Kursunlu camii ( Kursunlu mosque )

The most eye –catching structure in Eskisehir miniature drawed  ( during the Iraq campaign of Suleyman the magnicifent ) by Matrakci Nasuh who is one of the most famous miniature master of  the Ottoman Empire is the Kursunlu mosque (Leaded Mosque) and the mosque complex.

 Mosque was built  in 1525 by Mustafa Pasha in time of Suleiman the magnificent.

  A fountain in the courtyard, a rest house on the right side, left side of the mosque a kitchen  and  a caravanserai in the middle . There are also  rooms  of complex and a place called mevlevihane ( secluded praying house ) are found in the whole complex  . In the back  side of the  mosque family graves belonging to last Mevlevi sheikh Hasan dede can be seen.


Complex consists of many other parts besides mosque here is the parts available in the kursunlu mosque complex ;


The mosque is located in the south. Consists of four domed rooms side by side . It is covered with a porch roof. The facades are covered with hewn stones.


Caravanserai a kind of inn with a large courtyard located in the south part of mosque consist of 20 small cells.

Drill Field 

Located east of the mosque drill field is a rectangular planned and domed structure . 

It was fixed and restored in 1997 and used as a guesthouse by governmant today.


The location, currently used as a wedding hall was built by using a combination of cut and natural stones in1529.

New Comment
5 Şubat Perşembe, 2015
Name and Surname:
Sinan Kirazli
Message :
praying is a magic
Praying in this great mosque in eskisehir city was undescribable. Great atmospher feeds your soul.

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