Turkish Food > ezogelin corba

Ezogelin (Lentil) Soup for 5 servings


 Part 1

90 gr.s of boiled and pounded wheat

50 gr.s of rice

75 gr.s of red lentil

20 gr.s of vermicelli noodles


Part 2


1 medium size onion (chop it hemstitch style)

10 gr. Margarine

1 table spoon of mint

2 cloves of thin chopped garlic

50 gr.s of tomato sauce

20 gr. Of flour

1 lt. of water


                                               how to prepare ezogelin soup ?

 Wash the First Part of ingredients and boil them in a small pot. Put the margarine in a medium size saucepan and roast the onion in it. Mix the garlic and keep roasting, add the flour and roast some more and lastly add the mint and roast again. Add the water and boil it thoroughly. Add the boiled ingredients of Part 1 and mix with desired amounts of salt.



New Comment
17 Haziran Pazar, 2012
Name and Surname:
marco binetti
Message :
best soup ever
this soup is the most delicious soup i ever tried . Recommended to be eaten with red pepper , black pepper and of course lemon

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