Kirikkale > What to do >Kirikkale


Kirikkale located geographically  in a very important junction where Southeastern  , eastern - middle Black sea and Middle Anatolia  meets

Town has a very vast and rich Cultural, historical and natural tourist attractions.

How to go Kirikkale ?

The main bus station of the city is located approximately 1 km from the city center. City buses, minibuses and private taxis can be taken after arriving the main Bus station. As Kirikkale located very close to Ankara buses from all around Turkey can be found to get the city.

There is also available  trains from Istanbul , Diyarbakir and Ankara to reach Kirikkale.

Kirikkale has the biggest factory producing military weapons and a small part of the factory is opened for visitors is  recommended to see.

Handmade Rugs and Saddlebags  with unique motifs are  also nice souvenirs to buy.

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