Bayburt > aydintepe underground city
 Aydintepe underground city

An underground city found 2 to 2.5 meters deep from the surface . City was made up from carved  bedrock galleries , vaulted rooms  and large venues.

Vaulted   rooms which is about a meter wide and 2.5 meters in height  are expanding to almost square shaped rooms (3 x 8 meters). In addition it is also observed that the holes are made for ventilation is also used for supplying daylights to the rooms.

It is believed that the city were built during the late Roman and Early Byzantium period when the Christianity is a very new and not broadly accepted religion. Therefore Christian believers had built these underground cities to run away from the pressures and attacks of nonbelievers.  The first Christians  were settled as refugees in  Aydintepe underground city.

How to go Aydintepe ?

Aydintepe district is  24 kilometers  far from the city center is connected to district via an asphalt road. Buses  run every day from the town to Aydintepe can be caught to get the Aydintepe underground city.


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