Business Turkey
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House prices in Turkey
how much does it cost to buy a house, apartment or villa from Turkey ? What is the average price for a house in Turkey.
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Turkish apartments and houses
Where to live in Turkey? Type of buildings to live in Turkey , Turkish house types
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Tapu ( Title Deed )
tapu is the proof of your rights over a land and real estate.
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Before you buy a real estate in Turkey
What do before you buy a house in Turkey ? a check list before buying , Real estate Purchasing guide for Turkey .
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buying property in Turkey
a guide to buy a property in Turkey . How to buy ? where to buy ? what to buy ? Everyting you wonder about real estates and buying a house in Turkey
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Import from Turkey
Find out the best companies, best products and best offers you need from Turkey.
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Turkish Companies
Turkey Business Directory. Find out all companies in Turkey, Turkey importers list, Turkey manufacturer
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Furniture Companies in Turkey
Furniture factories, stores, importers & exporters of Turkey.
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Food & Beverage Companies in Turkey
Import the freshest vegetables, fruits, dry foods, animal foods and best drinks from Turkey
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Pasta Producers in Turkey
Turkish Pasta manufacturers.
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