Homer in his epic story Iliad both used
Troy and ilious for the same place. Troy name used 49 times and word Ilios 106
times in the Iliad epic story of Homer. Sacred Ilios definition often used in Iliad. Comparatively less used name
Troy defined in the story as surrounded with solid walls , tower , wide street , windy city. Both names
used for the city is older than Homer.
The saga had reached the homeros by word of mouth in years.
First excavations of
troy were done in 1870 by a rich ameatour archeologist ( Henrich Scliemann) .
Schlieman started to excavations based on the epic story of iliad by homer ,
his aim was not archelogical , his
intention was the hunt to legendary treasury of Priamos .
Most important side of
the Troy is that the after old civilizations burned and collapsed new ones
founded over and over in the same place.Usually when a city is collapsed new
cities founded over another land. Troy gives a big chance to investigators to
discover and examine the 5 thousand years of the human history, culture and architecture