Restaurants in Turkey > What to do >Mezze Restaurant Eskisehir

Mezze Restaurant  Eskisehir

Eskisehir does not have enough seafood restaurants options as the other cities especially located by the sea. Mezze restaurant is one of the best seafood restaurant in Eskisehir with its rich seafood menu, nice atmopshere and traditional Turkish musics.

Where is Mezze restaurant in Eskisehir ;  Kizilcikli Mahmut Pehlivan Cad. Nazim Hikmet Sok. Eskisehir

Phone and reservation number;  00 90  222 230 30 09

Categories: seafoods, fish restaurant, mezes, salads, mediterranean foods, aegeancuisine, Raki & Fish, Fasil music.


New Comment
11 Ocak Pazartesi, 2016
Name and Surname:
Hasan Erdem
Message :
Eskisehir Turkey
Great foods, great service, great starters together with traditional Raki Drink. highly recommended