Turkish Food > Borani


Ingredients  (6 Servings) – 30 minutes

1 kg Spinach

½ glass of oil

3 Tablespoon Flour

1 Glass of milk

1 coffee cup of water


Yoghurt and Garlic

1 tablespoon tomato paste

1 tablespoon butter

Directions / How to make borani ?

* Wash Spinach several times with plenty of water

* Break off  the leaves of the spinach from the branches

*  Boil some water with salt in a pot .

* Put the spinach leaves to the boiling water and keep boiling for 4-5 minutes untill the spinach are softened.

* When the spinachs are soft enough take the spinachs into a colander and wait untill all the water is filtered from it.

* Pour ½ glass of oil to a Saucepan, add flour and stir untill the flour turns into a pink colour

*  Add water and milk over the pink coloured flour and keep stirring untill the mixture is stiffened as a pudding.

* Add the spinachs, stir and cook one more minute.

* Smash the garlic as much as you want and mix it with yoghurt.

* Spread, the Yoghurt with garlic over the  cooked Spinachs

* Cook the Tomato paste with butter

* Pour the cooked tomato paste with butter before serving over the spinach and yoghurt.

* Borani is ready!


Bon appetit!



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