Denizli > Laodicea



 Laodicea located on the southern part of Lycos river and   6 km north of Denizli city ,geographicaly has  a very important position.

City was founded in 261-263 BC by king Antiochus II. and derived it’s name from the wife ( laodicea )  of King Antiochus. Laodecia became one of the most important and leading settlements in Anatolia in the first century B.C. Romans had given a special attention to the city and made the city the center of Kibyra Conventus therefore many great works and masterpieces of art was created in this period .


Laodicea is also a very important place for the christians and christianity while the city hosts one of the seven churches of Asia minor. As much as historical values , city also visited because of  religious aims by thousands of christians.

City was demolished , razed to the ground  by a very strong  earthquake which occured in 60 A.D .

Today many historical structures which found after excavations are worth to see in Laodicea ;


'Great amphi - theatre', 'Little Theatre', 'Stadium', 'Gymnasium', 'Monumental Fountain',

 'Council Building', 'Temple of Zeus', 'Great Church' are a few of these structures to see in Laodicea.




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