Bingol > Sunrise in Bingol
 Sunrise  in Bingol

Bingol mountains which is 3250 m height  offers the best sunrise of the world. Especially between July 15 to August 15 is the best period to watch miraculous sunrise from Bingol. Sun with unique colours and views only rises on the hills of Kale district of Bingol city.

 To see this beautifull sunrise and natural miracle , numerous domestic and foreign tourists flock in to Karliova , Kale district between July and August .

To watch this wonderfull sunrise you need to first drive to Kargapazari plateau and then  climb up to the mountain almost thirty minutes.  When you get to watching point you will be in a nature surrounded with cold water springs and green trees. Rise of the sun from the top of the hills is very much different from the normal state of sunrise.  Sunrise occurs in a very exciting , thrilling and creepy way will make you the best sunrise experience you will ever have.


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