Restaurants in Turkey > What to do >Hayal Kahvesi Bistro

Hayal Kahvesi


The most coolest place in Beyoglu where you can anytime step in,take a breath and relax.


Coffee made by the hands of best chiefs and foods are really to die for. It is also recommended to try one of the special hamburgers from a very selective special hamburger menu together with the hand made cheesecake.


Hayal kahvesi has many more different performers from any type  however their all cherish up the atmospere and entertain the people.


Everything related to music from rock ,alternative , reggae, jazz, post rock, indie, soft rock etc. can be found in Hayal kahvesi bistro.


Where is Hayal Kahvesi Bistro ?


Address: Meselik Sok. No:10 Taksim / Istanbul


Phone number: 00 90 212 245 10 48



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